JOURNAL — pierre jeanneret RSS
Béton Brut - Phantom Hands
A slideshow of images of Phantom Hands furniture, shot in an unfinished concrete building in Bangalore, India by Brooklyn based photographer Martien Mulder. #phantomhandsfurniture #furniturephotography #betonbrut #architecture #concrete #lecorbusier #pierrejeanneret #indianmodern #indianmodernism
Phantom Hands - IglooFilm Ep1 Pierre Jeanneret
Phantom Hands - IglooFilm Ep1 Pierre Jeanneret
PHANTOM HANDS - CASA DE and 51 at LOG exhibition
CASA DE and 51 at LOG exhibition
A short video of an exhibition of Phantom Hands furniture organised by our Japanese partners, CASA DE and 51% at the historic LOG building in Onomichi, Japan. #phantomhands #japanesedesign #studiomumbai